2022 Annual Meeting Announcement and Information
October 12, 2022
Hello Villa D’Este Village HOA Homeowners:
Please see the following announcements –
2022 Annual Meeting
The Villa d’Este Village (VDEV) Homeowners Association’s Annual Meeting will be a virtual meeting beginning at 1:30 p.m. on Sunday, October 23. Send an email to vdev-hoa-board@googlegroups.com to obtain the Zoom meeting information as well as the 2022 proxy form.
Please send proxy forms to the Board Secretary at danvdevhoa@gmail.com. Any proxy forms sent to the Board email address will be forwarded to the Board Secretary.
Meeting Agenda:
Community Updates — New cluster mailboxes, tree trimming, community watch/lighting
Financials Review — Discuss latest financials and reserves reports
Election of New Board Members — See “Call for Board Members” announcement below for more information
Annual Assessment Increase
After keeping the annual assessment unchanged for a couple years, the Board plans to vote to increase the annual assessment amount. The HOA continues to be tight with its spending and currently maintains adequate reserves. However, the HOA must eventually pay for large capital projects such as milling and paving HOA streets. In addition, the HOA’s operations and maintenance expenses for trash/recycling collection and landscaping increased this past year due to fuel surcharges.
Call for Board Members
Two Board positions need to be filled with the expiration of their three-year terms. The Board comprises 5 Board members.
Interested in Serving on the Board? — Fantastic! The HOA will really benefit from having more members involved in the HOA’s activities. This is also a great way to meet our community’s many friendly, family-focused, and hardworking individuals.
How to Volunteer to Serve —If you’re interested in becoming a Board member, all you need to do is nominate yourself during the Annual Meeting. The HOA’s President, Secretary, and Treasurer will serve as the Nominating Committee. With the committee’s approval, a vote of homeowners in attendance at the Annual Meeting (with the inclusion of proxy votes) will follow to determine whether the candidate is elected to serve on the Board.
Board member service is voluntary and completely uncompensated. Board members are responsible for ensuring the HOA remains financially solvent. The HOA is registered with the Virginia State Corporation Commission. As corporate decision-makers, Board members are expected to adhere to the HOA’s bylaws and covenants, and regional, state, and federal laws and regulations.
This is your opportunity to vote for Board members. Board seat vacancies that remain after the Annual Meeting can be filled during a regular Board meeting. However, only the votes of currently serving Board members are counted at regular Board meetings. This is also true whenever a Board seat is vacated in the middle of a three-year term.
New Cluster Mailboxes
On or about October 24, the HOA will be installing new cluster mailbox units (CMUs) to replace the worn-out units that have served the community since the 1970s.
Board representatives are working with the mailbox vendor and the U.S. Postal Service to ensure that the transition goes as smoothly as possible. Due to the layout of the new CMUs, the location of your mailbox in the unit may change but the location of the unit where you get your mail will not. For example, some CMUs are paired. If your current box is in the CMU to the left of the pair, your new mailbox will also be in the left CMU. We will provide residents with their actual mailbox location/number within the CMU in a future letter.
We will be able to distribute keys for the new mailboxes before the new CMUs are installed. A board member or their representative will deliver the keys to each home and give them to a resident. The resident will be required to sign a receipt for the keys.
Homeowners renting their VDEV property--Please notify tenants that the new mailbox keys will be delivered to them (and somebody must sign for the keys) to avoid any confusion. Renters will be responsible for the keys and returning them to their landlord when they move.
Please contact the HOA Board at vdev-hoa-board@googlegroups.com if you have any questions.
Thank you,
The VDEV HOA Board